2014年12月20日 星期六

2014 Mercedes CLA 250運回台灣

Hi, I got a model year 2014 Mercedes CLA 250 that I would like to take back to Taiwan. This car was purchased October 2013, and I would like to take it back to Taiwan by November 2014, which is about 13 months after purchase.

This particular car is not equipped at all, literally I did not buy any option, so the amount of money that I paid to the dealer excluding the Tax and Fees was $30,024.

Could you please give me a quotation regarding your service charge and an estimation of the taxes. Thanks, and have a wonderful day.


有提供購買證明,是為了報關稅,因為海關自有一套核價基準,有可能貴、有可能便宜,但經驗是貴的機率較大!所 以若您有當初購買的單據,假設當時有折扣,您買的比較便宜,當然就可以跟海關據理力爭,繳較少的關稅。


